Because of JOON’s card-connected experience, much of the administrative burden is eliminated.

<aside> ⛔ No need to pre-fund an account or managing an accrual

No need to issue cards and reconcile countless transactions

No need for receipts, spreadsheets, or tracking reimbursements


<aside> ✅ One monthly invoice that can be split into journal entries by class

Automated purchase review with option to manually reverse eligibility

Simple pricing with predictable budgeting


Dates for eligible purchases

Benefits recipients have until the 3rd business day of the month to report purchases from the prior month. This grace period allows pending purchases made at the end of the prior month to finalize (e.g. ‘post’ to their bank account).

Invoice periods

You will receive an invoice on the 5th business day of every month for the previous month’s subscription fees and reimbursements. Once the invoice is paid, JOON reimburses each benefits recipient on an employer’s behalf.

Invoice details

The invoice includes subscription fees and reimbursements per recipient. You can request a Purchase Report to review each recipient’s eligible purchases. If any changes are needed, contact your account manager and your invoice will be adjusted accordingly.

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<aside> 💡 Download a CSV version of the invoice by clicking the actions cog and then download next to the relevant invoice.


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Invoice payment methods and fees

Any admin with a billing permission can see and pay invoices. Billing admins can pay invoices through the platform in multiple ways, depending on the currency of the invoice:

USD Invoice with JOON reimbursement Int’l Invoice with JOON reimbursement* Any invoice without JOON reimbursement
US Credit Card**
(in platform) ✓ 3% fee ✓ 3% fee
Int’l Credit Card**
(in platform) ✓ 4.5% fee ✓ 4.5% fee
(in platform) N/A
(ACH or Wire) Upon request Upon request Upon request

*also incurs a reimbursement fee

**autopay available

***To pay from your bank via ACH, Wire, or, ask your account manager for account and routing information.

To make the process of paying your invoice and reimbursing your workforce as seamless and fast as possible, we encourage you to add a payment method before your first invoice! You can do so by following these steps:

  1. Log into JOON
  2. Click your profile icon in the top right and toggle to Admin
  3. Click on Billing in the top navigation